ELES Donations

ELES Donations Made (total to date, AUD$453,810)

As part of ELES' commitment to education, 5% of gross income (not net!) is donated to charities that make the world a better place and helping those in need. We have much admiration and gratitude to those amazing people running these charities who dedicate their lives to making other people's lives better. We welcome recommendations from our customers of charities to support.

Donations Made in 2025- $1000

Amount Organisation
$1000 Wild Cat Conservation Centre


Donations Made in 2024- $32730

Amount Organisation
$1000 Smith Family
$1000 Grace's Place
$1000 Food Bank Australia
$2000 Kimberley Wildlife Rehabilitation / Derby Native Wildlife
$1000 Lifeline
$1500 Kimberley Wildlife Rehabilitation
$3000 Wayside Chapel
$3000 Salvation Army
$2000 Wayside Chapel
$1500 Breast Cancer Trials
$3500 Giant Steps
$1000 Wildcat conservation centre
$560 Giant Steps
$1020 Redkite - families of children with cancer
$1020 Cancer council
$1000 Balmoral Swim for Cancer
$500 Leukemia Foundation
$2500 Salvos
$6630 Personal donations to friends/family in need


Donations Made in 2023- $33895

Amount Organisation
$4000 Wayside Chapel
$1100 Women's Community Shelters
$1020 Stride for Stroke
$1000 Blue Wren House - Camden Women's Shelter
$500 Forsight Australia
$1300 HeeHaw Donkey Rescue
$1500 Backtrack
$1500 Commando Welfare Trust
$2815 Giant Steps
$1000 Coastrek for Heart Health
$1000 St Vincent's De Paul
$1000 The Salvation Army
$1000 Wayside Chapel
$2500 Women's Community Shelters
$1000 Heart Smart Australia
$2500 Jesuit Mission Australia
$9160 Personal Donations to friends / family in need


Donations Made in 2022- $28700

Amount Organisation
$1000 Wayside Chapel
$1000 Women's Community Shelter
$2000 The Smith Family
$2000 Salvation Army
$2000 Oz Harvest
$2100 Rev Bill Crews Foundation
$1000 Stride for Stroke
$2000 Red Cross Flood Relief
$500 Hawkesbury Pound Flood Relief
$1100 Canhelp - wells in Cambodia
$3000 Jesuit Mission Australia
$11,000 Personal Donations to friends / family in need

Donations Made in 2020/2021 - $33765

Amount Organisation
$515 Stride for Stroke
$500 Cut for a Cause
$1000 CanHelp Cambodia
$1000 World's Greatest Shave
$500 Barstool Brothers
$250 Dry July
$30,000 Personal Donations to friends / family in need due to pandemic job losses

Donations Made in 2019 - $27100

Amount Organisation
$1000 Vinnies Bushfire Appeal
$1000 Buy a Bale
$250 Go Fund Me for a Student Sports Team
$1000 NSW Rural Fire Service
$1000 Koalas in Care Inc Port Macquarie
$1000 Stride for Stroke
$500 Indigenous Literacy Foundation
$600 Nepal Relief
$1000 Women's Community Shelters
$1000 Gong Run to fight MS
$1000 Salvos
$1000 CanToo
$1000 Kyle Andrews Foundation
$1000 Kimberley Wildlife Rehabilitation
$3000 Allambi Care
$3000 Giant Steps
$750 Nat Geo Conservation
$2000 Salvos
$2000 Matthew Talbot Hostel
$2000 Oz Harvest
$1000 Cancer Research
$1000 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

Donations Made in 2018 - $26250

Amount Organisation
$1000 Support Association for Women of Afghanistan
$1000 Barnardos Xmas Appeal
$5000 CDO Welfare Trust
$500 Red Shield
$1000 Movember
$500 Stride for Stroke
$500 Shake It Up Australia Foundation
$2000 Movember, Men's mental health
$1000 Steptember
$1000 CanHelp
$2250 Rural Aid
$2000 Westmead Hospital
$500 Everyday Heros - for assisted swimming program
$1000 Giant Steps
$1000 Thread Together
$3000 Cancer Council
$3000 Salvos


Donations Made in 2017 - $34315

Amount Organisation
$2000 The Wayside Chapel Xmas Appeal
$1000 Salvation Army Xmas Appeal
$1000 The Smith Family Xmas Appeal
$1000 Movember - Men's mental Health
$1000 MS Research
$1000 Ride for a Cure
$2000 Children's Cancer
$2000 Donation to a grassroots organisation in India
$1000 Canhelp Cambodia
$1000 Dry July
$1000 North Shore Mums Smiles2U    http://www.northshoremumssmiles2u.com/
$2000 Giant Steps    https://www.giantstepsball.net.au/
$3000 Australian Institute of Neuro-rehabilitation     http://www.ain-rehab.org.au/
$1000 Variety Children's Charity     https://www.variety.org.au/
$2000 Red Shield Appeal      http://salvos.org.au
$1000 Cancer Council   http://www.cancercouncil.com.au
$2000 Oz Harvest    http://www.ozharvest.org/
$1515 Manly Womens Shelter     http://www.manlywomensshelter.org.au/
$1000 Fred Hollows Foundation (Coast Trek)    http://www.hollows.org/au/home
$1000 World's Greatest Shave Leukemia Foundation   https://worldsgreatestshave.com.au/
$5800 Cows for Cambodia    http://www.cowsforcambodia.com/


Donations Made in 2016 - $27020

Amount Organisation
$1000 Salvation Army Xmas Appeal https://www.my.salvationarmy.org.au
$1000 Wesley Mission Xmas Appeal https://www.wesleymission.org.au
$1000 Smith Family Xmas Appeal https://www.thesmithfamily.com.au
$1000 Donation to Queensland Ambulance Service
$700 Donation for the Italy Earthquake
$1370 Donation for the Firemen stair climb for Murdoch Children's Research Centre
$300 Money for Asylum Seeker Centre
$5000 The Hills Sanctuary Shelter
$2450 Giant Steps
$1000 St Vincent De Paul Winter Appeal
$1000 Smith Family Winter Appeal
$1000 Everyday hero for children's heart research
$1500 Cancer Research through Humans of New York
$3000 Youth off the Streets - Father Chris Riley: http://youthoffthestreets.com.au/
$500 World's Greatest shave for Leukemia
$6000 Hills Sanctuary Womens Shelter


Donations Made in 2015 - $16,160

Amount Organisation
$1000 Canhelp
$1000 Reaching Thalia
$4500 Save the Children
$1250 Everyday hero, Cambodia appeal
$250 Dry July for Cancer
$500 Pallister-Killian Syndrome Foundation of Australia
$210 City 2 Surf for brain cancer
$500 Rotary for Nepal fundraiser
$2450 Money to guides in Nepal to help those in need.
$1000 CanHelp Nepal Appeal: http://canhelp.org.au/
$1000 Oxfam Nepal Earthquake Appeal: https://www.oxfam.org.au/
$1000 UNICEF Nepal Earthquake Children's Appeal: http://www.unicef.org.au/Donate.aspx
$1000 NSW SES: https://secure.nswsesva.org.au/donations.aspx
$500 Assist A Sista:


Donations Made in 2014 - $24300

Amount Organisation
$6800 Room to Read - to create a reading room in India. Click here for the report.
$1000 Cancer Council: http://www.cancer.org.au/
$1000 Red Cross: http://www.redcross.org.au
$1000 St Vinnies: https://www.vinnies.org.au/
$1000 Smith Family Xmas Appeal: http://www.thesmithfamily.com.au/
$1000 Salvation Army Xmas Appeal: http://www.salvationarmy.org.au/
$1000 Youth off the Streets - Father Chris Riley: http://youthoffthestreets.com.au/
$1000 Exodus Foundation: http://www.exodusfoundation.org.au/
$1000 The Cambodian Children's Fund: https://www.ccf-australia.org/make-a-donation.html
$1000 Canhelp: helping the impoverished in Cambodia and Nepal. 4 wells in Cambodia and each well gives clean water to at least 20 people. http://canhelp.org.au/
$1000 Assist A Sista:
$1000 Starlight Foundation: http://www.starlight.org.au
$500 Sydney Adventist Hospital
$2000 Beehive Foundation: http://www.beehivefoundation.org.au/
$500 Cerebral Palsy Association: http://www.cpaustralia.com.au/
$500 Starlight Foundation: http://www.starlight.org.au
$500 The Ocean Clean Up: https://fund.theoceancleanup.com/
$1000 St Vinnies CEO Sleepout: ceosleepout.org.au
$500 Giant Steps: http://www.giantsteps.net.au/
$1000 The Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal: http://salvos.org.au/get-involved/help-us-fundraise/red-shield-appeal/





Donations Made in 2013 - $29625

Amount Organisation
$22000 Room to Read, funding the construction of a 2 room school in Bardiya in Nepal. http://www.roomtoread.org/. Click here to see the first progress report.
$2000 Salvos Bushfire Relief Fund. https://salvos.org.au/donate/secure-online-donations/?appeal=relief
$150 The Juvenille Diabetes Research Foundation. http://www.jdrf.org.au/
$200 Sponsorship 40 Hour Famine http://www.worldvision.com.au/40hourfamine.aspx
$500 Sponsorships: Dry July au.dryjuly.com and Katoke Trust for Overseas Education
$2500 Giant Steps http://www.giantsteps.net.au/
Giant Steps was founded to help educate children and families experiencing autism.
$1000 Kids 2 Kids http://kids2kids.com.au/
An amazing charity set up by a teenager from the south coast NSW.
$1000 The Cambodian Children's Fund - for a new bakery oven!
Founded to aid the most impoverished of Cambodia's children.
$275 CanHelp - http://canhelp.org.au/ building wells for Cambodians. "It is with great pleasure that I share with you photos of your Cambodian well. You have just made life so much easier for about 20 people. There are several benefits for such a well, the biggest is that the beneficiaries of your well will have less chance of being sick. It is surprising how many Cambodian children die of diarrhoea each year." See Pic below:



Donations Made in 2012 - $24300

Amount Organisation
$1000 Exodus Foundation
$1000 Smith Family Xmas Appeal
$1000 Salvation Army Xmas Appeal
$1000 Daniel Morcombe Foundation
$1000 Our Lady of Mercy College Parramatta Donations - Mercy Tree Gift Fund


The Cambodian Children's Fund
Founded to aid the most impoverished of Cambodia's children.
$300 St Peter's Maitland Science and Engineering Challenge. Go Michael Almond!
$500 CanToo
$500 The Cambodian Children's Fund
Founded to aid the most impoverished of Cambodia's children.
$15500 Sponsoring book publishing in local language for Room to Read with distribution of 10000 copies to local school libraries in Asia once published.
$500 Photojournalism project for India orphanages


Donations Made in 2011 - $12750

Amount Organisation
$2000 QLD Flood appeal 
$2000 Red Cross Japan Earthquake Appeal
$500 Cambodia charities: orphanage at Cham Chao in Phnom Penh  and for PovertyAid4Cambodia.
$500 Dry July Foundation (Support for Cancer Units in Hospitals)
$250 Splash for Cash (Support for Royal Institute Deaf and Blind Children)
$500 Forty Hour Famine (World Vision)
$5000 Room to Read's Girls' Education Program
$2000 Red Shield Appeal


Donations Made in 2010 - $25,000

Amount Organisation
$3000 Smith Family Xmas Appeal 
$3000 Salvation Army Xmas Appeal 
$500 Day of Difference Foundation: to help provide facilities and care to critically injured kids and their families. 
$1000 Contribution towards costs for Daniel Comber-Todd, a Year 12 student in Sydney, to represent Australia at the Research Science Institute in Boston this year hosted by MIT. His interest is in Physics, in sonoluminescence. Is great to see young Australian minds striving to succeed. To read about Daniel click  here
$1000 Contributing to funding a proper plumbed toilet and an extra room for a Cambodian family.
$1000 Mother's Day Classic - Breast Cancer Research 
$13500 Room to Read - to convert and equip 3 reading rooms for schools in Nepal. 
You can read about one of the completed rooms here.

$2000 The Cambodian Children's Fund
Founded to aid the most impoverished of Cambodia's children.



Donations Made in 2009 - $16,500

Amount Organisation
$1500 Salvation Army Christmas Appeal 
$1500 St Vincent de Paul Society Christmas Appeal 
$1500 Smith Family Christmas Appeal 
$2200 Blue Light Street Smart Handbook
A Police initiative - a free book given to students re issues like drugs, violence etc.
$2000 The Cambodian Children's Fund
Founded to aid the most impoverished of Cambodia's children.
$2000 Nepcam
Changing children's lives in Nepal and Cambodia through education.
$2200 The Maitreya Universal Education Project

Benefiting students in Northern India.
$500 Kidney Health Foundation
$2000 Red Cross Victorian Bushfire Appeal
$1000 Cancer Council 


Donations Made in 2008 - $23,000

Amount Organisation
US$10,000 Room to Read - to build a library for a school in Cambodia.
Click  here to read the completed report and view photos.
US$1500 The Maitreya Universal Education Project 

Benefiting students in Northern India.
US$1500 The Cambodian Children's Fund
Founded to aid the most impoverished of Cambodia's children.
AUD$2000 Nepcam
Changing children's lives in Nepal and Cambodia through education. 
AUD$2000 96 year old Jesuit Priest in Macau working in Macau since 1950s now working with children in leper colonies (yes leper colonies do still exist) http://www.jesuit.org.au/



On a trip recently, I bought a book in the airport 'Leaving Microsoft to Change the World' by John Wood ( http://www.leavingmicrosoftbook.com/ ). I could not put it down. It is about a guy who while on holiday in Nepal is appalled at the lack of resources in schools, the low attendance rate and literacy levels and sets about making a difference in a big way. He started a group called Room to Read ( http://www.roomtoread.org/ ). Room to Read partners with local communities throughout the developing world to establish schools, libraries, and other educational infrastructure as well as educational scholarships.

So I had to get involved. I have paid $10,000 US for the establishment of a free-standing library at the Wat Chi Kreng Primary School in the Siem Reap province of Cambodia. The library will be built in the traditional Khmer style, and will include child friendly furniture, flooring, shelving, maps, puzzles, games, and of course, books. Room to Read will stock the library with English and Khmer books totalling 500-1,000 over 3 years, and will provide 3 years of library management training to a designated teacher. Wat Chi Kreng Primary School is located in a poor rural area in Siem Reap where families rely on subsistence farming for their livelihood. After this library is built 664 children (in a 6 room school!) will have access to a new colorful and engaging reading room. If you'd like to see photos and more info about the school click here .




Donations Made in 2007 - $12,000

(minimum donation amount to each organisation $1000)

2007 Organisation
Dec The Salvation Army Christmas Appeal
Nov The Smith Family
Oct The Cambodian Children's Fund
Founded to aid the most impoverished of Cambodia’s children.
Sept Starlight Foundation
August Oasis Youth Services
July Youth off the Streets - Father Chris Riley
June Childwise
May MS Society of Australia
April Oxfam Community Aid Abroad Walk Against Want
March Red Cross Calling Appeal 2007
February Reach Out
http://www.reachout.com.au a fantastic resource to support students in need, run by http://www.inspire.org.au
January World Vision



Donations Made in 2006 - $8,400

(minimum donation amount to each organisation $700)

2006 Organisation
December Starlight Foundation
November The Cambodian Children's Fund
Founded to aid the most impoverished of Cambodia’s children.
October The National Breast Councer Foundation
I know this isn't exactly a charity that helps children but it does indirectly by helping the women and carers in children's lives.
September The Australian Crohn's & Colitis Association
August SIDS and KIDS, The National SIDS Council of Australia
July Lasallian Foundation
The Lasallian Foundation supports projects throughout the Asia-Pacific region that provide poor and disadvantaged children an opportunity to break the poverty cycle.
(suggestion for this charity from Oakhill College, Castle Hill)
June The Cambodian Children's Fund
Founded to aid the most impoverished of Cambodia’s children.
May The Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal
April Starlight Foundation
March Margaret House, Respite Care for the Disabled
This charity operated by the St Vincent de Paul Society in Gymea offers respite care to disabled children and adults so that carers can have a break. Phone 9540 1762
(suggestion for this charity from St Patrick's College Sutherland)
February Tabitha Foundation Australia
Students from SCECGS Redlands are traveling to Cambodia to help build housing for homeless Cambodians
January World Vision Australia



Donations Made in 2005 - $6000

(minimum donation amount to each organisation $500)

2005 Organisation
December Donation to SCEGGS Darlinghurst Antipodeans Team 1 to take to India to their community project
November Donation to SCEGGS Darlinghurst Antipodeans Team 2 to take to India to their community project
October Leukaemia Foundation, Australia
(suggestion for this charity from MacMahan's Beach State School)
September The Smith Family: Wallace Family Appeal
August The Spastic Centre
July Camp Goodtime
June Bear Cottage
May First Chance Program Newcastle Uni
April Starlight Foundation
March Sydney Children's Hospital Cancer Unit
February Sydney Children's Hospital Burns Unit
January Tsunami Disaster: Red Cross, CARE, World Vision


Donations Made in 2004 - $6000

(minimum donation amount to each organisation $500)

2004 Organisation
December Donation to a disadvantaged school for academic prizes for prize night.
November Salvation Army 
October Camp Quality  
September CARE Australia  
August Autism Association of NSW 
Autism NSW
July Kids Help Line 
June Royal Blind Society 
May Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal  
April Tabitha Foundation Australia
March In Cambodia, many children are denied an education simply because they have no transport to school. Many families cannot afford a bicycle, even though two or three children can travel on the same bicycle. Tabitha has arranged with local schools to waive any fees if they provide children with transport. ELES purchased 17 bicycles which means 51 children will be able to have an education that otherwise would have been denied them.
February Kids First Foundation (KFF): a national collaborative enterprise of child abuse organisations providing therapeutic services for abused, neglected and at-risk children and their families nationally. http://www.kidsfirst.com.au
January Huntington's Disease Association  


Donations Made in 2003 - $5000

(minimum donation amount to each organisation $500)

2003 Organisation
December Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation 
November Medecins Sans Frontieres
October Unicef
September Youth off the Streets - Father Chris Riley
August Australian Heart/Lung Transplants Association 
July Fred Hollows Foundation 
June Royal Society for Deaf and Blind Children
May Salvation Army
April Barnardos Australia 
March 90 year old Jesuit Priest in Macau working with  children in leper colonies (yes leper colonies do still exist)