About ELES

Click here to print a quick bio if you have to introduce Prue at a study skills evening. Scroll down for more information.


Our Organisation

Enhanced Learning Educational Services (ELES) is an Australian business specialising in high school study skills. Operating since 2001, we are based in Sydney although our clients extend from schools throughout Australia to international schools overseas. Dr Prue Salter, the founder and driving force behind ELES, has written or co-written all of the ELES resources and presents most of the study skills sessions and parent/student evenings. ELES helps secondary students develop effective study skills through online study skills handbook, study skills worksheets and seminars - helping teachers and parents help students cope better with the academic demands of school and achieve their personal best.

Our Mission

To provide a worthwhile service to secondary teachers, students and parents by enhancing students’ learning skills and abilities. Our dynamic sessions and resources help students become better learners so they can achieve their personal academic best at school in an efficient and effective way.

Basically, we want to help students become more powerful learners so they can cope better with the academic demands of school.

Our Commitment

As part of ELES' commitment to education, 5% of gross income (not net) is donated to charities that help and assist children. We donate to charities that improve children's lifestyle, education or opportunities. We welcome recommendations from our customers of charities to support. Click on the donations link to view the donations.

ELES Session Presenter : Dr Prue Salter


With over 20 years experience in High School Education, as well as stints in both industry and academia, Prue Salter, the founder and driving force behind ELES, is a high achiever with a string of academic credentials and awards to her name. Her research into how students can achieve their personal academic best translates into informative, entertaining and action-oriented sessions and online experiences for students. To date, Prue has written over 40 resources for schools to use to help students improve their study skills.  Prue also developed and manages a subscription-based study skills website for schools and is in high demand for her study skills seminars in schools for year groups.

As a teacher and Year Coordinator, Prue found existing study skills sessions were either flashy with little content, or content heavy and dry – either way ensuring little was transferred to the students. In addition, many speakers who came to schools did not have good communication skills and had difficulty in dealing and connecting with the students on their level – much less building rapport.

Prue is a highly motivated and organised person with the ability to analyse and break down the steps necessary for success.  Prue has developed a series of dynamic courses which help students see how to improve the way they approach schoolwork and their overall opportunities for success at school. Prue uses her on-going research to constantly improve the effectiveness of the ELES study skills sessions and resources and has, in recent years, focussed on using technology to bring study skills to life.

Click here to print a quick bio if you have to introduce Prue at a study skills evening.

Consultancy Opportunities:

Long-term this is the area I would like really to focus on – helping schools develop a whole-school integrated approach to developing students as self-regulated learners. But for now I have so many other projects I want to complete first.

However I do take a limited number of small consultancy projects if they look interesting and I can squeeze them into my schedule. For most schools this will be a request to give feedback on their existing study skills program and is generally charged at $330 per hour including GST. Schools can either request a certain amount of hours to be allocated to the analysis and recommendations, or can request an estimation of the time needed.

If you would like both study skills and wellbeing programs assessed, I also offer a joint consultancy with Danni Miller – with special rates for this year. I am a firm believer that for students to be effective learners they need to be in the right headspace, hence my joint project with Danni on SOAR a book helping expat students thrive and with Rocky Biasi on the Study Samurai Library.

Email Prue to apply for your school to be considered for program assessment.

Prue Salter's Academic Qualifications:


Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Education, Master of Accountancy, Bachelor of Mathematics, Bachelor of Arts, Diploma of Education, Graduate Certificate in Learning Design

Graduate Certificate in Learning Design (Graduate Certificate in Learning Design), 2022
University of Technology, Sydney

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), 2015
University of Technology, Sydney

Title: Exploring a whole-school integrated approach to developing students’ self-regulated learning (SRL) skills.

The thesis explores, in the first phase of the research, the approaches taken by a sample of Australian secondary schools to developing students’ self-regulated learning (SRL) skills. The second phase uses a best practice case school to propose guidelines for schools to embrace a whole-school integrated approach.  Data from the case school is also used to examine teachers’, students’ and parents’ perceptions of who is responsible for SRL skills development and perceptions of the impact of technology. To obtain multiple perceptions and verify interpretations, data was collected through semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, and document gathering.  Qualitative analysis produced a rich, contextualised description of the case school, supported by insights from quantitative data. The findings highlight the need for schools to determine with stakeholders roles in assisting students’ development of SRL skills.  Findings revealed that while students and parents were generally positive about technology’s role as support for self-regulation, technology can be a major distraction, and educators need to provide strategies for minimising potentially distracting influences on students’ self-regulation.  The research concludes by proposing guidelines for assisting schools, policy-makers and researchers to implement and further explore a whole-school approach to developing students as self-regulated learners, as well as future research directions.

- Click here to view: Thesis (approximately 340 pages long, main chapters to read are 5 and 8).
- If you want a shorter version, you can read the Executive Summary (19 pages) but it does not capture the qualitative description in Chapter 5 of the thesis.
- The plan is over the next few years to next write a "how to" book to help schools implement a whole-school approach. The problem with the thesis is it is not in a user friendly format - it is written for academics and I can't include any of my personal experience or ideas. I'd like to write a practical guide based on the research rather than the theoretical discussion of a thesis.

Conferences presented as part of the PhD process (these were then integrated into the final thesis):
- Australian Association for Reseach in Education, Sydney, Australia, 2012: Paper 1
- EdMedia World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, Victoria, Canada, 2013: Paper 2
   (the above paper won an Outstanding Paper Award)
- The Asian Conference on Education, Osaka, Japan, 2013: Paper 3

Master of Education, 2008
University of Technology, Australia
Research Perspectives
Supporting Workplace Learning
Independent Study Project 1 (Topic and paper: Cognitive Load Theory)
Research Design: Research Problematic
Independent Study Project 2: Essay

Master of Accountancy, 2002
Charles Sturt University, Australia
Completed by distance education while teaching overseas with average of High Distinction

Diploma in Education (with merit), 1993
University of Newcastle, Australia
General Teaching Practices
Mathematics Teaching Practices Learning
Teaching and Special Needs (includes Special Ed)
School in Society Computers In Schools (elective)
Reading in the Secondary School (elective)
PRACTICUM Distinction

Bachelor of Mathematics & Bachelor of Arts, 1991
University of Newcastle, Australia
Statistics 302 High Distinction
Statistics 304 High Distinction
English 11C (Writing) High Distinction
Elementary Japanese High Distinction
Statistics 303 Distinction
Statistics 301 Credit
Mathematics 111 High Distinction
Statistics 11 High Distinction
English 111 Distinction
Mathematics 11A High Distinction
English 11A High Distinction
Mathematics 11C Distinction
English 11B Distinction
Mathematics 1 High Distinction
English 1 Distinction
Drama 1 Distinction
Computer Science 1
Awarded Huldah Turner Prize : best woman’s performance in Maths 111
Awarded SAS Institute Prize : Statistics 11
Student Representative for Department of Mathematics 1989/1990
University Faculty Board and University Academic Senate
Member Australian Federation of University Women

Higher School Certificate (secondary) Equivalent UAI = 99.1
St Francis Xavier’s Marist Brother College Aggregate 460/500
Awarded Prize for Academic Excellence
Awarded Prize for Ancient History
Year 12 Exams (Mathematics) 2U 100/100, 3U 49/50
Year 12 Exams (English) 2U 95/100, 3U 44/50

Prue Salter's Work Experience:

ELES, full-time from 2005 to present (2001-2004 ELES & Part-time teaching)
- Developing an online and interactive study skills subscription website
- Presenting study skills sessions in Australia and Asia
- Writing study skills resources for teachers to use with students
- Continuing research into improving effectiveness of students' study skills

SCEGGS Darlinghurst, Sydney 2001-2004
Secondary Mathematics Teacher

- Mathematics teacher for Year 7-12 (2001-2003)
- Mathematics technology teacher (2002-2004)
- Computing Studies teacher (2001)
- Year 9 Form Teacher (2001)
- Year 12 Form Teacher (2002)
- Year 12 Coordinator (2003)
- Tournament of the Minds Coordinator (2001-2004)
- Facilitated Maths in-service on technology for other schools
- Study Skills Programs for all levels includ. Year 11 camp (2002-2004)
- Facilitator at Year 9 Camp (2001)
- Antipodeans Abroad trip to Peru for 3 weeks with 15 students (2003)
- Parent/Student study skills evening (2003)
- Recommended and implemented complete change of school diary
- Recommended and implemented complete change of Year 12 magazine
- Commissioned by Principal to undertake study and improvements to support given to senior students (2004) involving staff/student mentor program and student support guide
- Full time at SCEGGS 2001, 2002, 0.8 load in 2003, 0.1 load in 2004 as part-time involvement with ELES during this period

St Scholastica’s College, Sydney mid 2000 to end 2000
Block Casual Mathematics Teaching

- Filling in for maternity leave position
- Offered full-time position

Pentecostal LHK School, Hong Kong 1999 - mid 2000
English as a Second Language Teacher

- Preparation of English language publications
- Instructional Design for English Department
- Trained students and staff in public speaking
- Training for students and staff in making a web page
- Organised English Speaking Days

Australian International School, Singapore 1995 - 1998
Secondary Mathematics/Computing Teacher, Years 7-12, NSW Syllabus

- Finalist in Search Associates Teacher of the Year (1997)
- Year 11/12 Stage Coordinator for pastoral care (1998)
- Year 11 Patron for pastoral care (1997)
- Year 7 Patron for pastoral care (1996)
- House Patron (1995)
- Organised Year 7 camp to Malacca, Malaysia (1996)
- Organised Year 11 camp to Tioman, Malaysia (1997, 1998)
- Water Polo Coach (1997, 1998)
- Primary and Secondary Computing Club
- Creation and maintenance of AIS Website
- Staff Training in Computing and reporting system
- Working with ESL students
- Study Skills Programs for all levels
- Articles for school newsletter
- Training School Captains in Public Speaking Skills
- E-mail exchange program for students
- Assisted in maintenance of computer lab
- Co-wrote a course for tutors of Mathematics and English
- Created multimedia promotional CD

University of Newcastle, Australia 1994 (6 months)
Lecturer in Curriculum and Teaching Studies Department

- Third Year Bachelor of Education (Mathematics) students
- Topic 1 : Assessment and Evaluation
- Topic 2 : Curriculum Planning

TAFE Institute, Australia 1994 (6 months)
Lecturer in Business Statistics

- Topic 1 : Time Series Analysis and Index Numbers
- Topic 2 : Probability and Normal Distributions
- Topic 3 : Sampling, Measures of Central Tendency, Dispersion

St Philip’s Christian College, Australia 1992 – 1993
Secondary Mathematics Teacher, Years 7-12, NSW Syllabus

- Guest Speaker at Yr 11 and Yr 12 Motivation Nights
- Developed withdrawal program for Yr 9 Gifted Maths students
- Filmed teaching in classroom by Vision Education Services
- Coached girls Basketball Team at Saturday Gala Night
- House Patron for “Tyrrell” Sports House
- Supervised Prac students from Australian Catholic University
- Lead teacher for 3 Year 7 Mathematics classes
- Producer of School Musical
- Member Talented Students Major Works Committee
- Year 10 Nurture Group Leader
- Organised schools involvement in Westpac Maths Comp
- Supervised Year 10 work experience

(I'd always wanted to be a teacher, but everyone said "your marks are too good you can't be a teacher!" - which is a dreadful way of thinking! So after leaving uni and working at IBM for a year it was clear to me that I had no interest in working in the corporate world and makiing money for a computer company. So I quit and became a teacher - and then a year later got my teaching qualification!)

IBM, Australia 1991
Marketing Representative in Business and Finance Sector

- Customer relations
- Achieved 116% of business revenue quota
- Personal computer promoter
- Marketing to Business and Finance Sector

University of Newcastle, Australia 1994 (6 months while at Uni)
Tutor for Mathematics 1 Tutorials

- Taught weekly tutorial sessions
- Available for student consultations

CSIRO, Australia 1989 (2 months during Uni Xmas break)
Research Assistant: Mathematics and Statistics Division

- Quality control group
- Research in Statistical Analysis
- Presented team skills seminar
- Analysis using computer graphics

PhD Blog http://psalter.edublogs.org/