If your school has run a session recently and has been given a PASSWORD to download a particular file, the files will be kept on this page for up to 3 weeks after the date of the session. Not every session will have a file to download, it depends on the session.
Download instructions: If you have problems opening files directly (you may receive error messages from the pdf format), instead of trying to open the file just right click on the link, select 'Save Target As' and save the file on your computer. Then go to where you saved the file and double-click on it to open it. If you still have problems just send your details (ie school, year level and when the session was) via the contact us link and I will email you the info.
MAC users: Some Mac computers are set to open PDF files using Preview, preview does not work with adobe password protected files. If you are having trouble (ie you open the file and get a blank screen), save the file to your computer, right click (Ctrl, command, click) and select Open With - then instead of Preview select adobe acrobat reader.
Most files are in PDF format. You will need Adobe Reader on your computer to open these files (it is a free downloadable program available at ). If the files appear as gobbledygook or give an error message, your computer may not have the reader installed or is using an old version. If you have the latest version and are still having problems opening the files email giving the details of the session you attended.
All slides in these presentations are copyrighted to Enhanced Learning Educational Services. Attendees of the seminar may view the slides for their own use but the presentation is not to be used in any other way, presented by any other person other than an ELES consultant or copied or given to other persons. It is not to be included in any other handouts etc. without ELES permission and acknowledgement that it is the intellectual property of Enhanced Learning Educational Services.
Note for TEACHERS Downloading these slides:
Please ensure you comply with copyright law and always acknowledge/give credit to Enhanced Learning Educational Services when using any of our materials: freebies, resources or materials from sessions. We remind our students not to please ensure you recognise the use of any of the intellectual property of ELES and do not use our materials without acknowledging the source. Our resources will already have the copyright information on the bottom of each page of the products. We rely on your professional integrity in this matter.
If your school subscribes the login details will be on the last page of the parent handout from the study skills evening. Make sure you visit and enter your school's login details to access further resources and units of work on study skills.
To see if your school subscribes click here: Current Subscribing Schools
Click here to read answers to FAQs I am asked about the session.
Note: ELES does NOT receive any benefits, financial or otherwise, for any of the products or sites listed below - we are just trying to connect parents and students with rhe resources they need to help them achieve their academic goals.
Ring Pens (Pencil Grips Plus) WriteWeight
Free Typing Club Free Dancemat Typing
Free Ratatype Typequick (Paid Online Typing Course for Students)
There are also other free learn to touch type options you can google, e.g. Typing Club, Dance Mat Typing, Typing Tournament, Typing Ninja, Nitro Type,, Monkey Type, Microsoft PC Typing App, Mac Typist App.
Action Plan 1 Action Plan 2 ExamPrepGrid
WEB SAFETY AND FILTERING RESOURCES - lots of great resources for web safety, cyber-bullying, monitoring/filtering Internet use
OUR PACT App Qustodio(was called Family Zone)
Tools for Students For Technology Distractions
Study Bunny (iphone) Study Bunny (android)
Recommendations for Screen Time
Examples of Free MIND MAP software, or you can try You could also try Miro
FIVE SENSES EDUCATION - additional study guides and textbooks
UNIFORM EXCHANGE - second hand textbooks etc.
Sleep Cycle Sleep as Android Sleep Connection sleep info
- 'How to Motivate Your Child for school and beyond' by Dr Andrew Martin
- 'Raising Your Child in a Digital World' by Dr Kristy Goodwin (Dr Goodwin has kindly allowed families access to this free PDF copy of her book)
- 'The Tech Diet for your Child and Teen' by Dr Brad Marshall
- Not study skills, but great books for raising teenage girls by Dannielle Miller, OAM
If you need one-on-one and one-off (or a few sessions) for STUDY SKILLS assistance with EXPERTS, visit this page: One-on-one Options and if you need regular tutoring and support visit Set To Study
FAQ: Is there a recording we can watch?
ANSWER: Schools are given the option to upgrade their evening to include access to a pre-recorded fersion for 3 weeks. If your school has not emailed you details of this, then this means they did not take this option. You can purchase individual access here.
You may also find these useful: ACTION PLAN SHEET KEY IDEAS SHEET
If you are viewing this on a mobile device scroll across to see the rest of the table. Scroll up for lists of books/tech. If you can't right click the links and save, try with a different browser. Click here to read answers to FAQs I am asked about the session.